Saturday, March 31, 2012

Supreme Courts' Responsibilty

  • Congress insults U.S. citizens and U.S. Supreme Court by sending up a bill they have not read.
  • Supreme Court should have sent it back to Congress, rejecting on the basic premise that a  violation of the States Rights Constitution provision has been submitted.
  • It is common knowledge that the Congress has not read the bill, and dumping a clerical function on the Court is laughable.
  • Disgusting.
  • Just a thought.

Holder's DOJ Is All Quiet Regarding Zimmerman Bounty.

    • This is a felony in Florida.
    • It has come to stand your ground backed by the Second Amendment.
    • Is this what Obama wants?
    More from the WASHINGTON TIMES by Kerry Picket.

Friday, March 30, 2012

L.A. City Has $7 Million Unexplained Fuel Bills. How About D.C?

  • Yes, think about huge theft, think Sacramento and Washington D.C.
  • We are doomed.
  • $ 12 million tracking system is not working.
  • We do not have trustworthy people even at the lowest level of government. Think how it is at the higher levels.
  • City Council to pass another regulation stating it is illegal to steal. Sarcasm off.
  • Investigate using an independent firm, and punish severely.
Read more about city corruption in the L.A. TIMES by Kate Linthicum.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Obama, Denigrating U.S. Again While Confering With Russia's Medvedev.

  • Makes a fool of himself wherever he goes.
From the article, 
In a video made for the group, Obama called for a further deterioration in our military strength. "I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems," he pledged. "I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems." So far, he has kept his word.
  • This is treason to divulge this to our potential enemy.
More from the editorial of Investor's Business Daily

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bad Day In Court for Obama Care.

  • A good day for America.
  • I liked it when Judge Scalia made the comment, we are not stupid. This sets the drama to who is going to act stupid.
  • This is only Act II, so we should hope and pray for good sense to prevail in the last Act.
  • This is not about health care, it is about our constitutional rights.
  • If the mandate passes, the camel's nose is in the tent.
Read more from the AMERICAN THINKER by Thomas Lifson.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

36 Rebels Killed In Columbia. Can Mexico Learn From That?

  • It takes a strong leader such as President Juan Manuel Santos.
  • Mexico is lacking brave and strong leaders.
  • In Mexico, the drug cartels rule.
An excerpt from the news report,
BOGOTA – At least 36 Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, guerrillas died Monday in an operation staged by the security forces, officials said.

The operation marked the second big blow suffered in less than a week by the FARC, which lost 33 fighters in combat last Wednesday.

“Congratulations to the security forces. Hard blow to the FARC in Vistahermosa, Meta: 36 guerrillas neutralized,” President Juan Manuel Santos said in a Twitter posting.

Mexico should hire a mercenary group to get the drug lords, take them out as each new lord takes over, until the message gets out that it's not worth it to die for a few days of wealth and power. 

Read the rest of the report from the Latin American Herald Tribune. Bogota. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

All Is Quiet On Obama's Possible Forgery, I.D. Theft and Fraud Front.

  • Credit for my leader goes to Erich Marie Remarque for his All Quiet on the Western Front.
  • Brave blogger Diana West and a brave newspaper today putting this out there.
  • I believe Forbes has also followed. There is hope.
  • Pray that Diana's blog spreads.
  • Should the Chairman of Joint Chiefs go in to the President and ask for an explanation?
  • Has it come to this?
Read the whole eye opening article today on THE MERCURY by Diana West.

    Saturday, March 24, 2012

    U.S. Biggest Scam In History Coming to Light. Obama's Birth, ID Theft and Forgery.

    • The writer, Ms. West showing unusual courage for this 'gutsy' blog.
    Here is an excerpt from her blog.
    Mar 22
    Written by: Diana West
    Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:05 PM 

    MSM at work "covering" Sheriff Arpaio's forgery and fraud presser

    This week's syndicated column:
    Warning: This column contains news of evidence of possible forgery and fraud in the long-form birth certificate of the president of the United States and – bonus – his Selective Service registration card.
    I figure the warning is necessary to prevent Americans, particularly Americans who work in news media and politics, from hurting themselves on any hard, sharp facts that might poke through my discussion of what is surely the biggest scandal to emerge around the seemingly dodgy docs Barack Obama is using to verify his identity.
    • Main Stream Media, our greatest enemy.
    • We have Lapdogs, but no Watchdogs.
    • Truth, a rarity. 
    • Who can we trust? 
    • I believe it was Rush Limbaugh who said, sometimes the truth is not enough.
    • We are on lock down as the writer states. Fearful.
    An important blog at Diana West by Diana West. 
    • Read it all and be enraged. 


    $ One Trillion Student Loan Debt. Debtors Want Government to Forgive Loans.

    • What about those that paid off their loans?
    • Will they get the money back?
    • There are many graduates who paid their own way.
    • College is not a good investment unless it is for an engineering degree or other sciences.
    • Our kids find science degrees too punishing. 
    • We have to bring in graduates from India to be engineers, chemists, etc.
    • Make the political science grad pay off in a 50 year plan. Ha.
    Read more from the WALL STREET JOURNAL Josh Mitchell and Maya Jackson- Randall.

    Friday, March 23, 2012

    While Gas Surges Up, Obama Lies Again. He Has Added Pipeline Circling the Earth.

    • From the article,

    As gasoline prices continue to rise, President Obama on Thursday pushed back on attacks from Republicans that he is blocking the Keystone XL oil pipeline and is against drilling, arguing his administration has added enough new oil-and-gas pipelines to "encircle the Earth and then some."
    • Maybe he put the pipeline around the Arctic Circle.
    • Trying to be cute and joking about a major pain of Americans, shows unfeeling ignorance.
    • Has he gone crazy?
    • He is displaying mental problems.
    • He needs to go, but VP Biden, may worsen the situation.
    • Pray for our country.
    Read more from The Hill by Andrew Restuccia and Arnie Parnes.

    Solar Energy Loses Favor In Germany.

    • The Germans do not want to subsidize this losing concept.
    •  Kind of late, they have already shut down some of their nuclear plants.
    • Solar and wind power will not power cars, ships and airplanes.
    • The Germans have also wised up on Global Warming.
    • I have always admired German industry and intellect. I am surprised they fell for this green energy scam.
    More to read THE NEW AMERICAN by James Heiser.

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Obama Gives $1.5 Billion to the Muslim Brotherhood, Our Enemies.

    • Outrages. Unbelievable!
    • De-funds our military but funds our enemies!
    • Treason!
    • Does anybody care?
    • Do we all have to march on the White House?
    • Are we fed up yet?
     More from BREITBART.( BIG PEACE) by AWR Hawkins.

    Obama Slams GOP Critics of US Solar.

    • Don't invest in any government subsidized ventures.
    Read and view this clip from the article.
    Now you’d think, given this extraordinary sight, given the fact that this is creating jobs, generating power, helping to keep our environment clean, making us more competitive globally.  You’d think that everybody would be supportive of solar power,” Obama said before a backdrop of thousands of solar panels soaking up the desert sun.
    • After a desert sandstorm, think brown out of Las Vegas.
    • How many people will it take to remove the sand?
    • Oh, they are going to have a helicopter fly close and blow it clean. Sarcasm ends.
    • Obama, how will solar power, ships, cars, and airplanes?
    • Medieval power source back again.
    Read the rest of the article from ABC NEWS by Devin Dwyer.

    Friday, March 16, 2012

    Obama Says Republicans of the 'Flat Earth Society.'

    • Most normal people would classify Obama's remarks as a vain attempt at humor.
    • Don't he realize how stupid he is sounding?
    • Jr. college kids cheering wildly, would like to know the race of attendees.
    • The Greeks and Egyptians knew that the earth was a sphere.   
    • Obama has a law degree?
    • The article says the President opened his speech with a feisty mood, but a better word would be desperate. 
    Read more from the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS by Alison Gendar.

    Former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich Stops for Burger Before Starting 14 Year Prison Sentence.

    • He probably could have named names and got his sentence reduced, but probably feared for his family. Just a thought.
    • When the next president comes on board, maybe he might have chance to get a lighter sentence.
    More from the CHICAGO TRIBUNE

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    Rush Limbaugh's Radio Audience Gets Boost.

    • Rush is hard to beat.
    • I am current with the truthful news and learn something everyday.
    • He is 99.3 per cent always right!
    • Listeners are cheering from sea to shining sea.
    • Around 15 to 20 million listeners 3 hours for 5 days, most hanging on every word.
    • Astonishing!
    • TV networks cannot come close, and they are on 24 hours 7 days.
    • He is honest, a huge factor.
    • As he often states, Talent on loan from GOD.
    Read more from THE DAILY CALLER  by Caroline May.

    If Obama's Enigmatic Past Is No Big Deal, Why the Strict Secrecy?

    • Kind of late in the term to be concerned.
    • In the upcoming race, Obama will not get out of the starting gate.
    • The real scandal, is that those that knew about Obama, kept quite.
    • We have not heard the last about his real birth place.
    An excerpt from the editorial,
    The videotape of Obama praising and hugging his America-bashing, Constitution-trashing law professor Derrick Bell isn't the only evidence that's been hidden from the public. A 1998 video of Obama praising the late Marxist agitator Saul "The Red" Alinsky alongside a panel of hard-core Chicago communists also exists. Yet it, too, has been withheld.
    So has a 2003 video of Obama speaking at a Chicago dinner held in honor of former PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi. Anger at Israel and U.S. foreign policy were expressed during the private banquet.
    Being intimate with those who want to destroy us, is serious and scandalous.

    Read the rest of the editorial at INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY.

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    254 Firms Left "Taxafornia" In 2011. Revenue Down 22%

    • Bankruptcy is the the only solution.
    • Pay off bonds first, then what's left, pay vendors and suppliers.
    • 10% pay reduction for all government workers.
    • Right to work enacted. 
    • All government pensions on the table for changes of existing and future agreements.
    • Disband Department of Education. To be an advisory commission.
    • Local school boards to solely operate schools.
    • California Democrats must have certainly observed what has happened in Socialist Europe, but they refuse to learn from the European financial disaster.
    • Is it possible to isolate San Francisco and Los Angeles from the state as Socialist Cities and govern themselves? Just a thought.
    Read an excellent report from BRIEGHTBART/BIG GOVERNMENT by Chriss W. Street.

    U.S.Health Services Is Considering Accepting Gay Men's Blood Donations. Yes, It's True!

    • Political correctness, humankind's public enemy again shows its ugly head.
    • This is crazy! Store your own blood to be safe.
    • Our government is planning to put some innocent patient in jeopardy for the sake of PC!
    • Willing donors cannot give blood if they are on any medications.
    Read more from THE HILL by Rachel Levin. 

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Obama's Birth Remains Active In the News.

    • The White House response seemed testy.
    • A painful subject comes up again.
    • Suspicion grows with each day.
    • Eventually, all this will come to light, when we have a new Republican president.
    • What to do then?
    • We cannot trust the media and most members of Congress.
    More from the POLITICO 44 by Byron Tau.

    GOP Voters In Mississippi, More Than Half Say Obama Is Muslim.

    • A huge factor in November. He will get the black vote and some Muslims.
    • Goes to church every now and then.
     More from YAHOO NEWS by Chris Moody.

    Monday, March 12, 2012

    Obama's Electric Cars Are Not Selling.

    • $40,000 for a 4 passenger golf cart!
    • When brown outs hit, the charging stops, you go nowhere.
    • $3000 for a new battery?
    • How much will it cost to dispose of the battery?
    • Does it have air conditioning, heater and radio?
    • Do batteries have the same efficiency in cold climes?
    • Be wary of any government sponsored scheme.
    Read more from the DETROIT FREE PRESS by Brent Snavely and Chrissie Thompson.

    Tea Party Pushing GOP Leaders for Action on Fast and Furious Scandal.

    • What are the Leaders afraid of?
    • Don't tell me Obama has something on them.
    • There is a special prosecutor but he was appointed by the Attorney General Holder.
    • The prosecutor, no report from him, it's been months without a word.
    Read more from THE HILL by Jordy Yager.

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    Sunday Psalm and Prayer

    Psalm 1

    Blessed is the man
    Who walks not in the counsel
       of the ungodly,
    Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
    But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    And in His law he meditates day and
    He shall be like a tree
    Planted by the rivers of water,
    That brings forth its fruit in its season,
    Whose leaf also shall not wither;
    And whatever he does shall prosper.

    The ungodly are not so,
    But are like the chaff which the wind drives
    Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the
    Nor sinners in the congregation of the
    For the Lord knows the way of the
    But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

    New King James Version

    Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    and where there is sadness, joy.

    O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
    to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love.
    For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    Obama's Qaulifications Found to Be Forged by 'Sheriff Joe' of Arizona. Reported by Pravda.

    • From the article,
    A singularly remarkable event has taken place in the United States of America. This event occurred in Arizona on March 1st and was an earth shattering revelation.
    A long awaited press conference was given by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a five time elected Sheriff, which should have made national and international headlines. Arpaio's credentials include serving in the United States Army from 1950 to 1953, service as a federal narcotics agent serving in countries all over the world with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and served as the head of the Arizona DEA. Without doubt, this is a serious Law Enforcement Officer, not one to be taken in by tin-foil-hat wearing loons.
    • Our media will not touch. 
    • We can trust Russia's Pravda.
    • Says a lot about our leftist media.
    • Quite a twist from a former Communist newspaper.
    • Will other European news media pick this up? It's a hot news item.
    Read more from the PRAVDA by Dianna Carter.

    Fifty Dollar Obama Light Bulb: Ten Million to Develop.

    • Surly it must be a typo error.
    • I am not shocked anymore.
    • Replace my bulbs from Mexico, or some foreign mail order place.
    More from the DAILY MAIL by Don Surber. 

    Unemployment Rate, What Is the Real True Rate?

    • Some are saying it is worse than the Great Depression.
    • This Obama Depression is lasting longer than the Great Depression.
    • We had 5 per cent during G.W. Bush in 2007.
    A excerpt from the article, 
    4. Then there’s the broader, U-6 measure of unemployment which includes the discouraged plus part-timers who wish they had full time work. That unemployment rate, perhaps the truest measure of the labor market’s health, is still a sky-high 14.9%.
    • Find the real numbers, MSM and government reports will naturally support Obama, so rely and reports such as this report from the American.
    Read more and analyze for yourself in THE AMERICAN by James Pethokowkis. 

    Friday, March 9, 2012

    'Joe the Plumber' Is Running for Congress.

    • Asked by reporter what's his experience to be a Congressman:

    From the article:
    "My breadth of experience is I've worked all my life. See these hands right here, there's callouses on them. I've worked for the last 25 years having to make results every day to feed my family, pay my bills," he said. 

    Wurzelbacher slammed longtime politicians, saying that "they live off the backs of broke tax payers" and "lose touch with reality." 

    • All the House Members being plumbers, instead of lawyers would be a breath of fresh air! 
    • And my gut tells me he is honest.
    More from the article in THE HILL (Washington D.C.) by Geneva Sads-Sadowitz.

    Senate rejects Keystone Pipeline. Jobs and Low Gas Prices Not On the Agenda.

    • Ten Democrats were in favor of the bill. Two Republicans absent.
    • Obama did some arm twisting, the word has to get out about that.
    • Think Obama when at the gas pump watching the meter flick dollars by.
    Read more from POLITICO by Erica Martinson.

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Holder's Resignation Getting Six More Congressman Signing On.

    • Fast and Furious is picking up speed. 109 signed up.
    • He should be indicted.
    • He may be implicated in the 200 or more deaths in Mexico and our U.S. agent.
    • Perhaps it would be better he stay on, a great target during Obama's re-election.
    More from the DAILY CALLER by Mathew Boyle.

    Obama Will Pay $10,000 if You Buy His Electric Chevy Volt.

    • General Motor's electric lemon.
    • Try giving it away.
    • Obama takes your money and gives it to a uninformed innocent car buyer.
    • Production has stopped for the vehicle, causing the laying off of workers.
    • Is this Obama's ploy to bring back to production a vehicle nobody wants?
    • With a $10,000 tax break, the car will sell for $30,000. Is this is an economy car?
    More from the WASHINGTON EXAMINER by Charlie Spiering.

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012

    Did You Know 80% of Minorities Ineligible for Military Service?

    From the article:
    The Pentagon is struggling to meet President Obama’s demands for more diversity in officer-ranks because a stunning 80 percent of minority teens who might consider military service are ineligible because of bad grades, criminal records, obesity and drug use, the head of the Military Leadership Diversity Commission revealed Tuesday. 

    • How many of the four star female and black generals made the cut via affirmative action?
    • We have the finest military ever fielded, now our president wants to bring in his misfits.
    • Well let e'm in, and if the tough boot camp is not changed, they will fail the first few days.
    • Their attitude will take many out the first day. You gotta respect authority.
    • The new Republican president, had best focus on the Dept. of Defense and start cleaning house ASAP.
    Read more from THE EXAMINER by Paul Bedard.

    Obama Is Concerned About Global Oil, Not U.S. Gulf Output.

    • Obama will not let oil be piped in, how is he concerned about any oil output. U.S. is a part of global.
    • Can't believe a word he says anyway.
    • How this statement is going to help him in his planned re-election, is interesting.
    • Every time an U.S. citizen voter watches the meter flick by at the gas pump, all thoughts are on Obama!
    More from REUTERS (US EDITION) by Timothy Gardner.

    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    Some Fear That Mexico's Zeta Drug Cartel May Control Mexico.

    • A nation where the criminals are stronger than the police.
    • Shame on Mexico's leaders.
    • Are the leaders bought off?
    • Are the leaders cowards?
    • Zeta Cartel too strong for citizen's rebellion?
    • Concentrate on the money laundering, banks are involved. Go after them, and punish them severely. 
    Read an excellent report at CBC (CANADA)

    Obama Tells Israel That Iran Does Not YET Have Nuclear Weapon.

    • Obama, a proven liar.
    • However, Israel knows better, their intelligence service is the best in the world. 
    • When Obama says, does not yet, I presume we are to wait for the bomb.
    • Pray for Israel to take it out soon.
    Read more from the INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY by Andrew Malcolm.

    Monday, March 5, 2012

    Unemployment Given to Convicted Killer While In LA Jail. Are You Surprised?

    From the article.
    Sheriff's Capt. Mike Parker said Saturday that Anthony Garcia, nicknamed "Chopper," received more than $30,000 in fraudulent unemployment while in jail from 2008 to 2010.
    Parker says Garcia's father and two girlfriends would get the checks then cash them and deposit the money in the inmate accounts of Garcia and fellow gang members.
    Garcia's father 47-year-old Juan Garcia, and girlfriends 45-year-old Sandra Jaimez and 25-year-old Cynthia Limas, were arrested Thursday on charges including grand theft.

    • The three that cashed the checks may get jail time, but the jails are full and no money to build more.
    • If you can get in: The LA jail, a nice place for criminals to rest up for the next crime gig. 
    • This is the result of Democrat run institutions.
    • Is the convict related to someone in the LA city hierarchy? Just a thought.
    Read more from SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE by Associated Press.

    Gadhafi Gone, Libya Is More Unstable. Now a Divided Nation.

    • Dictatorship replaced with anarchy.
    • Nothing new here. 
    • Egypt, another example of anarchy rule.
    • When will the oil start to flow again. May take years.
    • What was gained by this destruction? 
    • Why did Obama and Europe support this destruction?
    Read more from the report by Seattle PI by Maggie Michael AP.

    Sunday, March 4, 2012

    Sunday Psalm and Prayer

    Psalm 1

    Blessed is the man
    Who walks not in the counsel
       of the ungodly,
    Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
    But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    And in His law he meditates day and
    He shall be like a tree
    Planted by the rivers of water,
    That brings forth its fruit in its season,
    Whose leaf also shall not wither;
    And whatever he does shall prosper.

    The ungodly are not so,
    But are like the chaff which the wind drives
    Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the
    Nor sinners in the congregation of the
    For the Lord knows the way of the
    But the way of the ungodly shall perish.

    New King James Version

    Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    and where there is sadness, joy.

    O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
    to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love.
    For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

    Saturday, March 3, 2012

    Rush Is Right About This Fluke "Slut"

    • Any woman that goes around and needs sex three times a day is defined properly.
    • If she is not a slut, then she must be a liar.

    General Motors Chevy Volt Sales Low. GM Laying Off 1300.

    • People are wising up about electric autos.
    • New battery, might be $4,000. 
    • How to dispose of it? More expense.
    • Charge it at home overnight. 
    • You are getting electricity from a coal fired energy plant.
    • Brown outs will occur frequently.
    • Air conditioning + radio will drain on power and battery.
    • Batteries do not operate well in cold climate.
    • Heaters will run on battery, a huge drain.
    Read more from the WASHINGTON POST by Joel Gehrke.

    Obama Says He Is Like Gandhi and Mandela.

    • Perhaps he is right on that.
    • Gandhi and Mandela showed Marxist leanings.

    Breitbart an American Prince.

    What a loss for us all.

    Friday, March 2, 2012

    Two More Americans Killed In Afghanistan, While Obama Defends Apology.

    • These savages demand apology for burning a Koran, a book that orders Muslims to kill all non Muslims.
    • How about the thousands of Christians that are murdered while preaching their faith.
    • Obama, a closet Muslim is what is showing.
    More from New York Daily News by Aliyah Shahid.

    Israeli Is Demanding From Obama a More Decisive Role Against Iran.

    • Whatever Obama says may be a lie anyway.
    • Israel is alone until our new president takes over.
    • Israel will have to wait.
    An excerpt from the news report. 
    Dempsey was one of several senior US officials to travel to Israel in recent weeks, including Obama's national security adviser, Tom Donilon, and the director of national intelligence, James Clapper.
    Dempsey infuriated Netanyahu with comments that it is "premature" to launch an attack and that an Israeli assault on Iran would be imprudent and destabilising, and not achieve Israel's objectives. He also said that Iran is a "rational" player and should be treated as such.
    Netanyahu met a group of US senators last week, including John McCain, and complained strongly about Obama administration officials publicly opposing an Israeli strike on Iran.
     So, there you have Obama and his general holding back. We need to pray for Israel and the USA.

    More from the article from the GAURDIAN by Chris McGreal in Washington DC.

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    California's San Joaquin Valley Farmers May Get Water. House Approves Water Rights Bill.

    • Thousands of agriculture workers out of work for a 3 inch fish.
    • Locals use the minnow for bait.
    • Will the Senate pass it?
    • Finally some one from Congress see's the light.
    • Nut trees and orchards may not recover from irrigation rights withheld.
    Here is an excerpt from the report.
    The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), said the ESA regulations took water away from farms, which forced the region to import food even though it's known as a significant agricultural producing area. Nunes showed a picture of people in food lines, eating imported food.
    "They used to grow the nation's carrots," he said, pointing to pictures. "We now import carrots from China to feed the people in the food lines."
    So sad and disgusting.  California, once the agriculture exporter to the world.

    You can read more from THE HILL by Peter Kasperowicz.

    British Cities: Drug Mobs Rule. Citizens Not Allowed Guns.

    • Are these mob areas Muslim dominated?
    • Nab the drug Lords and punish them severely.
    • Banks to not accept cash deposits without verifying the depositor is not a drug dealer.
    • Who will have the courage to implement the enforcement  needed?
    Read more from THE SUN by Graeme Wilson.