- German work ethic is the reason.
- They work hard, play hard, they enjoy life.
- If you work hard where others do not, you are in control.
How did the grand dream of a "new Europe" end just 20 years later in a German protectorate — especially given the not-so-subtle aim of the European Union to diffuse German ambitions through a continentwide superstate?A very informative read today. Compare to Japan, they have a work ethic as well, and we know how well they have prospered.
Not by arms. Britain fights in wars all over the globe, from Libya to Iraq. France has the bomb. But Germany mostly stays within its borders — without a nuke, a single aircraft carrier or a military base abroad.
Not by handouts. Germany poured almost $2 trillion of its money into rebuilding an East Germany ruined by communism — without help from others. To drive through southern Europe is to see new freeways, bridges, rail lines, stadiums and airports financed by German banks or subsidized by the German government.
Read more Investor's Business Daily by Victor Davis Hanson.
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