Tuesday, August 21, 2012

150,000 Illegal Aliens In U.S. Jails. Rep. Poe (R.TX) Has a Bill to Deport Them.

  • Finally, something is getting done!
  • Excellent legislative move. 
  • Who would vote against this?
  • Praise and support for the good Rep. Poe.
  • Briefly, if a nation does not accept their criminals, we accept NO visas from them.
  • Not a part of the bill, but we should also cut off foreign aid.
Here is an excerpt from the news report,
The Bill
Poe's H.R. 2199, introduced last year, would apply a simple remedy to get foreign countries to repatriate their criminals: Diplomatic visas would not be issued to countries that refuse to repatriate criminals who have been ordered out of the United States.
The bill would require the Department of Homeland Security to produce a quarterly list of foreign criminals in the United States and the countries that refuse to take them back. The bill would also require the State Department to refuse diplomatic visas to those countries. The countries would get the visas when they take back their criminals.
  • California's crowded prisons with a large illegal alien population, being ordered by Fed. Judge to release or remedy the situation. Californians should be relieved that the crowding can be resolved  by deporting. Some estimates for California, that it is around 30% of the prisoners are illegal.
Read the whole report. This also covers the law enforcement issues with the illegals who are freed due to an earlier Supreme Court ruling.  Read it here in the NEW AMERICAN by R. Cort Kirkwood.

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