While Christian Churches Burn, Obama Rebuilds Mosques.
- If this insult to Christians was posted in the main stream media, there would be a huge reaction.
- Should at least appear on Fox News.
- Another hearing from the State Department.
- Wait, they are tied up with the Libya lies.
An excerpt from report,
Of course, it should be noted, that the “inherently religious
activities” of those overseas Islamic mosques includes preaching hatred
of Jews, Christians and Americans, incitement to terrorist activity, and
global imposition of Islamic rule.
In recent days, Muslim clerics in at least 20 Islamic countries have
used these “houses of worship” to urge their congregations to take to
the streets in violent protests to defend Islam over the release of the
video “Innocence of Muslims.”
So, given that, it’s not surprising that the Obama administration’s
diligent efforts to help preserve the religious heritage of Islam has
failed to engender in its Muslim beneficiaries a similar respect toward
preserving the religious heritage of Christianity in the Islamic world.
- Secretly funded it appears, by your tax dollars.
- It appears we have a black Muslim president.
Read the rest of this excellent report from the FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE by Frank Crimi Bio.
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