Tuesday, October 19, 2010

German Chancellor Merkel States that Trying to Form Multi Cultural Nations Has Failed

This AP news report via Breitbart is strong in its reflection of a conservative German fearing the onslaught of the Muslims throughout Europe, especially France, where today, anarchy seems to be the next and final step backwards to a strong Emperor, just a thought.

Put yourself in the German household, where perhaps the 60 year old has some pension, and now has children, who are out of work, won't do the menial tasks that the Muslim from Turkey will do.

If there were no unemployment problems, these culture issues would not be an issue.

Following is more from the report:

Germany and other European countries have grappled with the idea of themselves as immigration nations and Merkel has long been skeptical of the country's attempts to build a multicultural society that includes its estimated 5 million Muslims.
Many immigrants speak little or no German, work in low paying jobs or live off of government handouts at the same time the country faces an aging population and a shortage of highly skilled workers.
"Germany needs more qualified immigration to maintain its economic advantage and deal with the demographic developments," Volker Beck, a lawmaker with the opposition Greens party said Sunday.
Merkel acknowledged in her Saturday comments that then-West Germany in the 1960s opened its doors to Turkish laborers who helped the nation rebuild from the ruins of World War II. Yet German politicians believed those laborers would eventually return home. Instead, many have stayed and their children's children are now starting families here

My previous post from Der Speigel Online shows a contrast in opinions regarding what Germany is like today.

My opinion is on this is that the Turkish Muslims are not the extreme orthodox Muslims for example , immigrates from Algeria , who have not the occidental background that the Turkish nation has had. 

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