Visiting hospitals unannounced with Mrs. Bush showing real devotion and love for our beloved military.
More thoughtful entries follow about his unheralded events in his job as commander. A retired Army Colonel writes this article reflecting his true devotion and respect for President Bush.
Most Americans took little notice of the President's morning jogs with wounded warriors. These were in fulfillment of promises he had made to them in rehab centers across the land. Get back on your feet, get better, and come run with me. Inspiring? They took heart and we took notice.
While the current C 'n C seems to be addicted to endless rounds of golf, GWB gave up golf for the duration. "It just didn't seem to be right; that some mother who had lost a son to turn the TV on and see me on the links." We understood. We approved. We noticed.
But, it has been Bush's actions AFTER he has left office that continue to endear him to our Service men and women in uniform.
He was the First on the scene of the Fort Hood Massacre when Major Hassan went on his murderous rampage. Again, unanounced and unescorted, save for Mrs. Bush. They comforted the survivors and commiserated with the wounded and their families. And we were comforted. We noticed.
Recently, at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, he was there to greet returning members of the Texas National Guard from overseas duty. The look on their faces as each had his/her picture taken with the former Commander in Chief, was heartwarming, even precious.
Yes, we miss the Commander in Chief and his wife. It seems Obama show a disdain or I can't be bothered taking care of our America. I am sick of this attitude.For what gain? None that me or my peers can see. Just love for his former subordinates. Yes. We have noticed and continue to notice.
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