Monday, January 31, 2011

Electric Cars in Cold Climate, Battery Has Power Loss

Have the electric car manufacturers considered this problem?
This report from the Canada Free Press and The Washington Post editorial writer Charles Lamb.

Read in this science report where in severe climate, such as Minnesota, you should keep your battery warm for normal efficiency. Seems to be quite a drain on the power grid in Minnesota, for example, where you would have keep it warm when parked and then charge it as well. Read more from this segment of the article.

If you live in an area where the winters get extremely cold an all-electric vehicle will have to be garaged and equipped with some kind of plug-in battery warmer for it to be effective in the coldest months of the year. Keep these thoughts in mind if you’re planning an electric car purchase; we don’t want you finding out the range of your car has been halved when it’s five below zero and you’re fifteen miles from home.”...

Voter Fraud in New York. This is News?

Why is it always Democrats that are involved in stealing elections?

In this report two Democratic Politicians are charged and more indictments to follow.

Read more from FoxNews
Written by Eric Shawn

If we could have fraud free elections, many Democrats would not be in office.

Moscow Airport Suicide Bomber Was an Ethnic Russian

A real cause for concern, the crazed Muslim terrorist ideologists can be an ordinary Caucasian. 
This report from The Telegraph
Written by Andrew Osborn, Moscow
Here are portions of the report that can raise the hair on the back of your head.
The suspect, 32-year-old Vitaly Razdobudko, is one of the growing number of Russians who have embraced radical Islam, creating a security nightmare for Russia's anti-terrorism squads.
Some are more crazed than the born Muslim fanatic. 
Mr Kuznetsov and other commentators said the ethnic Russian converts often became more fanatical than terrorists who were born Muslims.
 What to do? We all know where it all is coming from, and continues to be financed and supported  in a fanatical plan to kill us all. Let those in Saudi know, if it happens here, there will be sudden retaliation on Mecca, and complete takeover of the evil Muslim nation Saudi. 

They can stop it if they want to. Return this evil savagery to the 7th century. The greatest final crusade of all will be complete. 

The report is not long, take time to read the whole article posted in the Telegraph.

In Britain, Anglicans Breaking Away to Catholicism. Hundreds Leaving.

What triggered this?
  • Anglicans coziness trend to Muslim is my guess.  
         Fear of Muslims is growing.    
  • Tony Blair turning Catholic might have some effect.
  • The Pope said in so may words, come home
This report from FoxNews World

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Psalm

Psalm 121                                                              
I will lift up mine eyes
unto the hills, from
whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the
Lord, which made heaven and

He will not suffer thy foot
to be moved; he that keepeth
thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel
shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is they keeper:
The Lord is thy shade upon thy
right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by
day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee
from all evil: he shall preserve
thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve
thy going out and thy coming in
from this time forth, and even
for evermore.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

In Spain, Jobless is 20.33%

That is the official report. Government reports will always show the least negative.

Reporting from Spain is NewsYahoo
Written by Katell Abiven

What is Spain's industry? Probably relies on tourism heavily.

Obama Allows Muslim Brotherhood to Enter United States

What do you expect from a Muslim president?

G.W. Bush had revoked his visa.

More on this from Israelnationalnews

Egyptian Revolt Concerns Price of Gas

We should have been drilling years ago.  We have oil off shore to last us for many years.

This news from Mediaite Read more and view videos.

Secret Ballot Protection Act Sponsored by Sen. De Mint (R-SC)

You would think that the secrecy in any election would be a basic right. Unions have been working hard to take it away.
It is going to be interesting who votes against this bill.

This news brought to us by BIG GOVERNMENT
Next in a segment of the news report, you can read the reason for this bill.
Why the Secret Ballot Protection Act?
For the last five years, unions have spent hundreds of millions of dollars, taken from their members’ dues, to pass a bill that effectively eliminates employees’ right to a secret-ballot election on the question of unionization. Through the delusionally-dubbed Employee Free Choice Act’s ’card check’ provision, unions have sought to mandate that employees would automatically become unionized once a union secured 50% + 1 of employees’ signatures on authorization cards (or other form). However, after the Employee Free ANTI Choice Act passed the House in 2007 (it was later stalled in the Senate), more people began to take notice of the union threat to their right to choose (or not choose) unionization in the workplace.
A big step in reining in the unions. Keep a watchful eye on the voting. 
You might want to check out the add by Rand Paul for the National Right To Work Law showing on this link.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bankruptcy the Only Way Back to Normal for States

Unions and their contracts will have to be revised.
Retirement terms to be the same as us PO FOLKS who have to live with when the market plummets , you live with it. The state plan, they are covered by us PO FOLKS.

Good article today by Jeb Bush and Newt Gingrich in the Los Angeles Times

Thursday, January 27, 2011

From BBC We Get A Show of a Taliban Stoning

Such horror, surly we can stop this Muslim inhumanity- this is a religious rite of a peaceful Muslim community?

The lovers, both were murdered- the crime was an affair with a married man. He was killed as well.

More from the link BBC. Written by Quentin Sommerville. There is a video, but the written report tells a way of life I find hard to believe that is still going on this 21st century. God help us defeat this horror.

We have to win against this evil. 

Repeal of Health Care Started by Senator De Mint.

No one wants Obamacare except Pelosi, Reid and Obama.

This article from CNN Politics
Written by Gabriella Schawarz
Here is a brief segment of the article - Senator Demint is working hard for us.
American families and businesses are struggling and it's our duty to respond quickly to their calls to repeal this bill and push for solutions that will make health care more affordable," DeMint said in a statement.

It's Official, Social Security is Broke

With 10 to 20 % unemployed who are not kicking into the "kitty", that's not surprising.
We all know that the fund has been raided for years, but nobody seems to care.

This article from NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE SCROLL DOWN TO READ MORE FROM THE BLOG. There is a lot of interesting comments.  Written by Devin D. Williamson

500 Groups Get Health Care Waivers. Why? Perhaps It's Unsatisfactory.

It's no good and millions are opting out. 
How does Obama sell this monster, when no one wants in?

I want out also!

You can read more from the linkThe Hill 
Written by Jason Millman
You can read this excerpt showing numbers - and the rest of the report for the reasons they granted waivers
As of last week, HHS had granted waivers to 222 organizations covering 1.5 million individuals. Though the number of groups receiving waivers has now more than tripled, the number of individuals covered by the waivers increased just 600,000 to 2.1 million.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/3 of Teens in Illinois Have No Job

Lowering the minimum wage might work. But the unions will have a fit.

Do kids these days want to work when they can go on welfare?

Many are so afraid to be seen mowing lawns, doing all that hard work for the parents. Lucky if you can get them to carry out the  garbage.

Money can be made by kids, washing and waxing cars, windows cleaned, grass cutting,baby sitting, etc.

I venture to say the preference in hiring is the retired person, they are more dependable.

The military has long waiting list for enlistments, but they are more selective these days. 

We had the "Greatest Generation", what shall we call the following generations? 

Read more from Chicago Breaking Business

Copper Thieves Cut Rail Network's Signalling Cable Causing Severe Disruption.

These thieves must really be desperate. You have to risk getting electrocuted, then haul and hide it and try to sell copper wire. 
This should be easy for police to patrol all buyers of copper wire. It would be easier to rob a pub and get cash.

You can read more about  the disruption of trains, but not much about the police work. Read all about it
today in The Scotsman- The writer Alstair Dalton

New Jersey Lawmakers Reinstate Death Penalty

If you kill someone, you should die as well. Simple as that.
There are 717 waiting in death row in California- 13 have been executed so far. 
Judges always overrule the demand of the people. It's not right. It's crazy.
More on this from N.J. 

Rep. Issa (R) Pushes Back Threats by Democrats to Slow His Subpoenas

Be firm,stand tall Congressman Issa, we are with you.

You are like a breath of fresh air!

If you have nothing to fear, Rep.(D) Elijah Cummings, let the subpoenas flow.
Can other committees subpoena?
Could Rep. (D) Cummings be a subpoena subject?

A good report on this from Daily Caller

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Are Democrats Worried at What Congressman Issa's Supoenas Will Reveal?

We want to turn over every rock and see what's hiding there.

Here is a part of the report from The Daily Caller showing that the democrats are going to do everything to slow the process down.

In other words, if Cummings, the committee’s top Democrat, did not approve of a given subpoena, he could force a vote before the full committee, potentially slowing down the process to a crawl.
Read more from the link .

Can the Government Force You to Buy Health Insurance? This is Being Debated!

Many states are challenging this and it is going to the Supreme Court.

This is oppression, pure and simple. 

This article from ABC NEWS  Read this excerpt making a point about how oppressive this law is.
But across the battlefield, opponents of the law are focused on the scope of federal power. They contend that Congress had no right to require individuals to enter a marketplace and buy a particular good or service. "If this mandate is not struck down," says Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett, "we will no longer be citizens, we will be subjects. The federal government will be able to command citizens to do anything short of violating a fundamental right."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Los Angeles Times Hard Hit. Weekly Circulation Down 50% Since 2000.

Interesting report in the NEW YORK TIMES reported by Jeremy w. Peters. My question would be their circulation? I understand it has the same problems.

Los Angles, a city that had at least 3 other quality newspapers, such as the Examiner, down to one struggling newspaper.

Those that do not use the internet, have to go to public library and read - as it is reported in the link .

Read more at the NY TIMES

Senator McCain Says Ethanol Is a Joke

Senator: Everybody knows that!
Using a food for fuel is inefficient and downright stupid. We are stupid to let this crime continue. Senator  where have you been?

The Post Office if allowed to compete would be tops in all categories, such as having routes thorough our nation and offices already established to DELIVER. UPS and FED EX do not have the routes. Government unions are another problem.      

Colin Powell No Longer Enthused With His Obama

Obama an affirmative action president endorsed by an affirmative action Army general and Secretary of State. 

Is Colin Powell and what he thinks about these days important?

A great disappointment.

Reported by The Daily Caller

President Obama is a US Citizen Says Republican Eric Cantor

Why don't someone from the Washington Press Club, just ask the president, "why are you so secretive about your birth, scholastic record, name changes, passport used for Pakistan and other mysterious secrets?" 

I am a birther, and proud to say so, but I have other concerns as well.

Yahoo News 

43% Of NY State Gov. Employees Getting More Than $100K.

Government Unions, we must work hard to dissolve them.

This report from NY POST - by Reuven Blah

Read more from excerpts following.

About one out of every seven cops and firefighters from the suburbs and upstate municipalities who retired last year is receiving a six-figure state pension, according to data compiled by the Empire Center. That's because they are paid high salaries, and often pad their pensions by putting in huge amounts of overtime in their final years.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Psalm

Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures: he leadeth me
beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he
leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil: for
thou art with me; thy rod and
thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table
before me in the presence of mine
enemies: thou anointest my head
with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of
my life: and I will dwell in the
house of the Lord for ever.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

California's Governor Brown Declares Fiscal Emergency

Everybody knows that!

This report from CNBC
  • Bankruptcy, the only solution

  • Dissolve government unions 

We Are Still Giving Aid to China


This report from Investor's Business Daily

Hawaii Governor Abercrombie Has Failed to Find Obama's Birth Certificate

That was his campaign promise.

 This report from the Hawaii Reporter
  • Just a piece of paper with the proper embossed symbols - making it the real document.
       * Some clerk has it, waiting for the reward to be posted. 
  • Misfiled, or destroyed.
  • Need time to make an original.

Friday, January 21, 2011

G.O.P. Plans to Cut Spending by $2.5 Trillion Over Next Decade

That is a good start.

Anyway, they will not have any revenue to spend.

This report from NYTIMES - written by David H. Herszenhorn

Here is an excerpt that summarizes the plans.

 The proposal, from the Republican Study Committee, a conservative bloc that counts more than two-thirds of House Republicans as members, calls for immediate reductions of at least $100 billion, compared with cuts in the current fiscal year of up to $80 billion being sought by party leaders.

States Bankruptcy Bailouts Being Considered

Pension funds is the primary target. Retirement funds should not pay the same as the wages you retired at. That's obscene.

This news from NYTIMES

Here is an excerpt about how the state funds might be dealt with.
Bankruptcy could permit a state to alter its contractual promises to retirees, which are often protected by state constitutions, and it could provide an alternative to a no-strings bailout. Along with retirees, however, investors in a state’s bonds could suffer, possibly ending up at the back of the line as unsecured creditors.

127 Mobsters Arrested in North East USA

Great news.

What about other major crime areas, such as Chicago?

This great news reported by BBC.
Read more for details and comments from the US Attorney General

Government Unions Offering No Pensions for New Hires

  • Not enough.
  • Must agree to cut back on those in the system as well. Bankruptcy Judge will decide.
  •  Create 401 type plan like the rest of us.
 This report from Investors Business Daily- here is an excerpt that will stun you,

"So how much is the Golden State in the red? At least $265 billion, and perhaps $737 billion, both greater than official state reports suggest. For perspective, the proposed California general fund budget for next year is $84 billion."
We gotta start over - put things back to the way they were years ago. Government unions must be dissolved.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chinese President Agrees Human Rights Need Improvement

This report from Reuters. The question was asked of the Chinese President Hu Jintao about the progress of human rights. More here from the link,

Hu was asked about the topic after Obama used part of his opening statement at the news conference to say the United States supports dialogue between China and representatives of the Dalai Lama and wants Beijing to respect the religious rights of the Tibetan people.

My question is, why not ask the same question when the Saudi King is in town? There you have no basic human rights for women or Christians. China has much better human rights than Saudi, or other Muslin countries.

Social Security in 40 Billion Shortfall

Who are we to believe these days?

We were assured that there is no problem. 

Reporting this news from Daily Finance

Read this bit to convince you, we have a problem, all 50 million of us. 

Given the above data, it's unsurprising to find that the Treasury needed to borrow money to pay Social Security benefits in 15 out of the last 25 months. When the cost of monthly benefit payments exceeds the Social Security tax revenues, then the Treasury has to fill the gap with borrowed money.

See full article from DailyFinance:

Congressman Issa Targets TARP. Bailouts and Forclosure Policies

Bailout of General Motors, is one question and further on that is how the auto unions are involved regarding pensions.

Seems Congressman Issa is off to a good start. Like the old refrain "follow the money".

More on this from THE HILL

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In Mexico, Musicians Murdered - They Would Not Play More Songs

NYDAILY NEWS- read more about Mexico here. Don't visit. Dangerous travel site.

This is a sick nation if there ever was one.

Tourism, we get no reports, must be off by 50%.

Texas Budget Plans Cuts of 13.7 Billion.

Report by Chrome-Politics

Planning no new taxes!

AP - Written by April Castro

California's Gov. Brown, can you do it?

Rep. Cummings (D MD) Calls Rep. Issa Probes Silly

Issa is going after Home Security Dept- this is serious business for the nations safety, not silly, Rep. Cummings.

This report from The Hill.

More States(More Than Half) File Claim ObamaCare Unconstitutional

It all hangs on the judges in our land. Will probably end up with the Supreme Court.

The best way to kill this monster. 

Report today from Boston.Com. Read this excerpt which might save our nation in one move from a judge.
Florida U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson could rule later this month whether he will grant a summary judgment in favor of the states or the Obama administration without a trial.
Pray for deliverance.

Obama Keeping His Vow to Bankrupt Coal Industry

US Coal Industry does everything right, but EPA creates more regulations so as to fulfill Obama's vow to destroy the coal industry.

Is Obama planning to use solar energy to charge those millions of bar batteries every night? You can look for long "brown outs" Obama. 

Solar panels covering the whole California Mojave Desert?

Or, are you planning for wind energy coming out of Washington DC?

EPA needs to be shut down, but how?

Obama just sends out new regulations, circumventing our elected representatives.

This report from INVESTORS

Here is an excerpt from the interesting report. EPA creates more to impede mining and jobs.

After Arch invested $250 million in the mountaintop mining operation, it will be shut down. When fully operational, it would have employed 215 miners directly, with another 300 jobs in support services. These are, pun intended, "shovel-ready" jobs.
As we have warned, the EPA said it was acting under the authority of the Clean Water Act, saying the mine employed "destructive and unsustainable mining practices that jeopardize the health of Appalachian communities and clean water on which they depend."
Look at the map in the report, West Virginia relies heavily on the mines, but there is coal in North Dakota, Southern Iowa, Nebraska , where there is many years of mining and employment which is conforming to the environment.

Read more from INVESTORS

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Secret Ballot, a Basic Human Right, Unions Out to Destroy It.

The power of the unions to getting more worrisome  as each congress convenes. 

We know who helps with the congress persons election campaigns - it is money in the back room from the union bosses.

Their membership has declined except in the government sector, government unions was illegal during the FDR reign.

In ancient Greece they had secret ballots, France had it in 1795, Australia and US and today most of the free world's nations honor secret ballots.

 Washington Times 
Has more on this.  

Stuxnet Virus No Problem for Iran, Russia Says

From PRESSTV we get this report - see excerpt from the report,

"There are no viruses in the power plant's computer network, especially in units responsible for security, because this network is totally autonomous and isolated from external sources," Xinhua quoted Rosatom spokesman Sergei Novikov as saying on Monday.
But, what about interior personnel working within the plant? More from the news report,
 Novikov stressed that the virus could not break into the automatic control system of the plant and endanger the reactor control.
Inside job, is the vulnerable area, will be able to screw things up big time.

Severe Mental Illness Increased Among College Students Since 10 yrs. Ago

MYFOX reports here from NPR and survey of college counselors report more than one type of mental illness.

Increase in psychiatric medications has increased. So , maybe it works better than psychiatric counseling.

I would like a report from another fact finding source. I feel this is a movement of skewed or manipulated findings to support the Obama Health Care. We all know that educators are mostly Obama's helpers still working hard to tell us our kids are getting worse in the mental area.

Has our military recruiters found any change in the mental condition of applications?

You can read more on MYFOX link- has only one reason that they think the illnesses are.

The news item implies that our nation is increasing in mental disorders.

For 'This Depression Baby', the Frugal Lessons Now a Fond Memory

How it was for me growing up and now remembering how my parents saved, reused over and over again. Roaming the web today found this MUST READ. Found this where I visit often on Lucianne , read the comments and then the original article in the Houston Chronicle, by Amanda L. Grossman.

I remember how we keep our milk cool in the cistern, also when the delivered milk got frozen, the creamy top come up,of course that was before homogenization of milk.

Brings to mind Tom Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation"

I tell my grown kids about the "hard times" every once in a while when I see waste, they just politely listen.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Psalm

Psalm 125

They that trust in the
Lord shall be as mount
Zion, which cannot be removed,
but abideth for ever.

As the mountains are
round about Jerusalem, so the
Lord is round about his people
from henceforth even for ever.

For the rod of the wicked
shall not rest upon the lot of the
righteous, lest the righteous put
forth their hands unto iniquity.

Do good, O Lord, unto
those that be good, and to them
that are upright in their hearts.

As for such as turn aside
unto their crooked ways, the
Lord shall lead them forth with
the workers of iniquity; but
peace shall be upon Israel.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bi Partisan Seating At State of Union- Just a Show?

We sent them to Washington to fight for us, this "lovey dovey" show does not impress me one bit.
Partisanship is a requirement of good government.

By FoxNews

State Dinner Not on Speaker Boehner's Schedule

Good for him. 
Boehner is a busy man, working for us partisans and peons.
He can see that this invite, is to show that he is a part of the Washington circle. He is not.

This news from Politico written by Akmie Parnes and Karin Tanabe , read more for interesting thoughts.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mexican Mayor Murdered, Third in a Week

Mexico, out of control. Spreading to the south.

This murder was in the southern section; most killing take place near the northern USA border, where the drug traffic is.

You can read more here on The Washington Post

De Lay Prosecuted Politically Says His Attorney

Sentenced to three years, will not stand on appeal, according to his attorney.

I always wondered why he could not get a change of venue when the cards were stacked against him.

More on this from MSNBC link.

The Unending Hatred of Palin Keeps Piling On Her

The more the media keeps it going, the better I like her.

She handles herself quite well when dealing with those whose sole mission is to mine the "field" to find any remark to feast on.

This is from Rush Limbaugh. Read more from the link.

EPA Shuts Down Largest US Mine - Rep. Issa Says It will Slow Economy

This report from Capital Hill written by Sean Higgins.

Republican Rep.Issa has hit the road running pointing out that businesses will be holding back on ventures until they are assured there is a chance to make money on investment.

Some in congress are not in total agreement with these regulations coming  from EPA, and not from congress- see excerpt following.
Green groups applauded the decision but many in Congress, including West Virginia’s Democratic senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin, are not happy. However the real heat may come from the House. In a statement e-mailed to reporters, Issa said:
 At a time when permanent, full-time job creation is our nation’s top priority, you really have to question the wisdom of institutionalizing a process that puts the job creators in the untenable position of knowing that the EPA, at any time, can interject and prevent operations from moving forward after all the appropriate permits have been obtained. This is the type of action that is cultivating a climate of uncertainty that will ultimately result in more businesses going under and Americans being unemployed longer.\
What's more important, jobs or a shut down of a mine for the environment?

Rep Issa plans to have them (EPA) explain their reasons in hearings. Look forward to watching this.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mark Twain's "Huck Finn" Censored for N Word. PC Still With Us.

How silly and childish.

Anybody get injured, physically or mentally over the years that we have read it uncensored?

Laughable, can we grow up someday?

Read more McClatchy by Lenard Pitts Jr. /Miami Herald

Spike Lee Says USA Most Violent Ever Recorded in History

Spike Lee , a film director; but he does not know his history.

  • December 18, BBC NEWS - Rwanda Genocide, about 800,000 people massacred in 1994.
  •  Darfur, 5 million
  • Germany, 6 million Jews
  • Russia, China, Cambodia  millions (about 10 million) of their own by Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
 Just to name some recent violent nations, then go the the Bible's old testament and read about numerous slaughters that happened.

This news item from NEWSBUSTERS reported by Geoffrey , check the link for live interview and comments.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gang Police in Los Angeles Quiting Over Financial Disclosure Regulations

The regulations are to regulate the possibility of corruption which had been in the city's Rampart Division in the 1990's.
Leads on with a sense of logic, to surmise with suspicion, that the corruption is ongoing.

Governor Brown's unionized police force hard at work to protect what?

Read this report from Fox News

California Governor Brown to Cut 48,000 Government Cell Phones.

That's cutting in half the 96,000 employees that had them.

What's the cell phone lobby going to say about that?

How did we operate without cell phones before? Are landlines no longer on desks, like pay phones missing on street corners? What's with these cell phones anyway? All you see outside state offices is workers texting or talking. Government is paying for all these calls?

This little step in cost cutting, reduces state costs by 200 million a year. We have a 500 Billion state employee funds which are not funded; Governor Brown, can you please work on that instead.

Governor Brown, from now on it's not millions , it's Billions!

In Tuscon, Glock Pistol Sales Doubles

Perhaps many are worried that restrictions will be coming soon.

It would be a safer and less crime if many citizens today packed a pistol. Much better than pepper spray, which you can carry legally to defend yourself. Ha

If a few people in that Tuscon gathering had weapons, the outcome would have been different.

This report from Bloomberg by Michael Riley

USA to Have Drug Shortage of Epic Proportion

All of a sudden, shortages.
I am suspicious.

I have been able to order, no problem.

Report says , "No cure in sight". The cure would be Tort Reform!

This report is from Daily Finance- The writer is Melly Alzraki

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Record Cold in Delhi

Global warming is now changed to climate change.

Millions of people in tee shirts shivering in near freezing nights, not just India, all other countries of mild to hot climates.

Couldn't these people(global climate experts) with all their forecast studies have foreseen this drastic climate change?

More on this from Delhi News News24. Excerpts of news report follows:

We have reports that 17 people have died in the last 24 hours," KK Sinha, a disaster management official in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, said on Monday. "So far 86 people have died in the winter chill over the last week."

Local authorities have been ordered to arrange bonfires on street corners as well as shelters to save the homeless.

Global Warming for Centuries, Canadian Study Reports

This report from The Star. Excerpt next, opening paragraph...

CALGARY—Carbon dioxide already emitted into the atmosphere will keep contributing to global warming for centuries, eventually causing a huge Antarctic ice sheet to collapse and lift sea levels, scientists said Sunday
Long range forecast is a  shot in the dark, seeing as how principal source of heat is the sun, and what it will do in the next centuries, is guess work.
 Right now according to NASA, we are in a cooling mode.

Black Farmer's Pigford Payments Hearings

Witnesses are ready to appear according to Rep. Steve King, (R. Iowa).
Real scandal here, will anything happen? So many lawyers involved, there may be thousands of alleged fraud crimes committed over the years. 
A lot to read , here are some excerpts...
King said the black farmer who is prepared to testify told him that some attorneys in the case he was involved in traveled neighborhoods to sign up people up who had never farmed to receive the discrimination-compensation payments the USDA agreed to make in the negotiated settlement of the case. The enlistees even included homeless people this farmer alleged, according to King.
There are many more claims than farmers, so the hearings should bring out how that is carried out. Perhaps alleged  fraud in the Dept of Agriculture might turn up. We are looking at real money that got into the wrong pockets. Another excerpt...
King said the black farmer who is prepared to testify told him that some attorneys in the case he was involved in traveled neighborhoods to sign up people up who had never farmed to receive the discrimination-compensation payments the USDA agreed to make in the negotiated settlement of the case. The enlistees even included homeless people this farmer alleged, according to King.
 All this reported by CNS NEWS - written by Fred Lucas - read more from the link.


We Are Still Sending Aid to China!


Read more from Investor's Business Daily-Editorial. Read more for reasons why.

Unique Vigilante Farmer's Justice for Thief in Cold Calgary,Canada

Edmonton Sun 

Here is an excerpt of the vigilante justice in the north country.
Edmonton Sun reports...

Farmers leave bare-butt thief hog-tied for cops

CALGARY -- Two central Alberta farmers served up some cold hard justice to an alleged fuel thief on their property, leaving him tied up and pantless in the snow until Mounties arrived.
The thief probably learned his lesson, let's say he won't forget the incident.

Read the complete story for a good chuckle with your morning coffee.

Monday, January 10, 2011

50,000 in Pakistan Rally Supporting Blasphemy Laws

It is the death penalty to insult the Koran?

Why are we sending billions to this out of control Muslim nation?

When we need to chase terrorists from Afghanistan, let's just go into this uncivil nation and destroy, wherever they may be hiding. We need to get tough, it will be respected, they laugh at our politically correct policy.
Our current policy is not working. How many deaths of our fighting forces are caused by this sanctuary Muslim nation?

Their nuclear weapons are in the hands of terrorist sympathizers or cohorts? Send in the "worms" and fix that problem!

Pakistan was created by partition in 1947 by the British, causing millions over the following years to leave both directions to avoid sectarian violence. Some opine this a mistake.

 Read more on Seattle pi Asia.

In USA, Pro Choice Could Be Responsible for the Murder of 1.3 Million.

1.3 million abortions last year. Legalized!

Are we shocked? I don't see any signs.

God has been merciful so far.

Almost 50% of blacks fetuses in NYC are murdered.

The Democrats are supporting a black genocide?

Obama has stated that this would be a rare occurrence.

Important reading here at The American Thinker - written by Jeannie De Angelis

I am not so shocked anymore, but I am worried for my beloved USA.

Terrorists, cancer and pro choice, all killers.

Gulf Pirates Could Be Dissuaded by New Laser

Temporally blinds the pirates, no harm to them, warns them their quarry is alerted and prepared.

This is good if the laser does not get into the wrong hands.

More on this from NewScientist- the writer is Duncan Graham-Rowe.

Arizona Rancher Sued by Ilegals. Unbelievable!

Rancher discovered 16 illegals on his ranch and held them for the border patrol. He used a hand gun and dag to hold them for the authorities. They were trespassing and violated laws for illegal entry into USA. What rights do these criminals have, to have grounds to sue a rancher protecting his property and family?

How did this even get to trial

More on this from Washington Times Writing this report is Jerry Seper

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Psalm

Psalm 1

Blessed is the man that
walketh not in the counsel
of the ungodly, nor standeth in
the way of sinners, nor sitteth
in the seat of the scornful.

But his delight is in the
law of the Lord; and in his law
doth he meditate day and night.

And he shall be like a tree
planted by the rivers of water,
that bringeth forth his fruit in his
season; his leaf also shall not
wither; and whatsoever he doeth
shall prosper.

The ungodly are not so:
but are like the chaff which the
wind driveth away.

Therefore the ungodly
shall not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation
of the righteous.

for the Lord knoweth the
way of the righteous: but the way
of the ungodly shall perish.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bill Introduced by Mike Pence a Bill to Stop Funding Abortion(Planned Parenthood)

Planned Parenthood, a nice way of saying, we have a way for you to murder you baby. We, the government will help you. Well, I never consented to support any murder program supported by our government.

This report from CNS NEWS

Way to go Congressman Mike Pence

Korean Memorial Cross to Come Down. 9th Circuit Rules

This column from Townhall
Written by Brad O'Leary

  • Don't judges respect precedence- millions of crosses in Arlington to cemeteries all over the world with crosses and the star of David. Our currency has the "In God We Trust".  

  • ACLU and athiests  fear or hate Judeo /Christian much like Lenin and Stalin.
  • We thought we defeated communism, when Reagan defeated them with "Tear down these walls".They are back, and have been inside our government, universities and media for a long time.

  • We are fighting two wars, communism is still the deadly cancer in our nation, the other is our ongoing war against the jihad, who vow to murder all of us.

A Nation of Never Ending Laws

This report from The NY Post
Written by Michael A. Walsh

30,000 new laws at state level this report reveals. Surly, ignorance of the laws is an excuse!

I would hope that someday they come up with a "sunset" law ending all of them.

One stupid law here in California comes to mind: A gas station must offer free of charge the use of air and water. This was passed about 4 years ago. Probably many hours getting it past, debates and so forth, and I really don't know the reason for it and then how to enforce it. Such waste for some politician to be on our side, always fighting for us peons. Alas, what can you do!

At Coptic Christmas Mass, Egypt's Muslims Act As Shields

  • Showing real courage, knowing that the terrorists place bombs with children and women, and will murder their own if need be. Unprecedented!
  • Alas, a break in all this insanity. God sent it!
  • Pray that this goodness and sanity will spread.
Read about this heroism in ahramonline
Written by Yasmine El- Rashide

Friday, January 7, 2011

Serious Terror Threat in London. City on Alert

So many Muslims in London, not knowing who to trust or who is going to blow you up.

What to do, round them all up and put them in camps? FDR did that, some of you remember in WWII , the Japanese, all of them went to camps.

What I would do , is make sure those Kings and Princes in Saudi get the message if anything happens to my people, we are coming after your heads, and then we will turn Mecca into a sea of glass.

This report from NEWS.COM au

Bill Introduced By Republicans to Eliminate Obama's Czars

This is good news indeed.

More from The Hill on this first volley shot in this war against corruption and dictatorial control. 

CBO States That Repeal of ObamaCare Adds $230 Billion to Debt

How can this repeal of a which will add to debt and kill jobs cost $230 billion to kill the monster?

This report from AOL NEWS .

CBO is supposed to be independent department reporting the facts. Sorry, but I don't trust any government agency anymore. 

Electric Cars May Produce More CO2

Forbes has this article which will bring up global warming again, it shows that especially countries that have power sources such as coal, and they do not have clean burning units, so with more electric cars, the more the need from these power sources.

Read more of the excellent scientific explanation of how this will play out, read from the Forbes link.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Jersey's Governor Christie Breaks Up Affirmative Action Office

Bravo Governor Christie

California's new Governor Jerry Brown, start working on this if you dare!

California Light Bulb Control Begins

Environmentalist making life miserable for CO2. Which is so passe. We all know that this concern is dead.

The bulbs are more expensive and if you break one, mercury vapors will be released and you will have to call emergency to treat you for inhalation. 

More on this stupidity in the Washington Times

Murderer of Pakistan Governor Honored by Muslim Scholars

  • Murdered by his own bodyguard!
  • The religion of peace.
  • Who can you trust?
  • The times we live in. Reminds me of a Chinese curse, " May you live in interesting times."
  • Of course, we are sending millions, maybe billions to this nation who from what we can gather, all hate us.
Read more and view videos of this excellent report from MSNBC

AP report by Babar Dogar

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brooklyn Federal Attorney Starts Probe of City Worker's Slowdown During Blizzard

Union leaders are going to get a hearing; they may be responsible for impeding emergency access for some Brookynites needing treatment.

This report from NY Daily News

Not only the Feds investigating, but the city as well. Read the following excerpt.

The city Department of Investigation is also probing the allegations, and the Brooklyn and Queens district attorneys are reviewing the claims.
A whole lot of investigating- Unions are in trouble this time?

A Bill to Repeal Obamacare Introduced by Republicans to Be Voted on Jan.12

Most Americans do not favor this bill. More revelations are coming out as they continue to enact policies made law. The law may find another stop and will make it dead for good, it is the suits filed by many state attorneys, that the law is unconstitutional. Newly appointed Sonia Sotomayor should recuse herself as she has been involved in health care legislation.

This report from BBC.
Read more from the short article from the BBC link for a British perspective of US politics.

Construction Stops at 45 Doctor Owned New Hospitals by Obamacare

Now we are finding out what's in the bill.

From The American Thinker written by Rick Moran. Excerpts from the article next.

What a superlative idea! Let's throw thousands of construction workers out of work and make it harder to access quality medical care at the same time.

Man, those Democrats are 6 times brilliant, eh? The Weekly Standard:

We will be finding out more about this disaster bill that congress has not read.

Makes you want scream.

Congressman Issa's List As Chairman of House Oversite Committee

From Politico one can pick out some of his targets, such as waste, stimulus crisis, administration faults, over- regulation affecting job creation, international affairs, national security, foreclosure crises, FDA and FHA.

First on the list in my opinion is national security. In view of all the missteps that have occurred, we have been lucky so far. Hearings should be asking why the border is not secure, the fence and wall is not complete after all this time. 
Drug traffic, drug lords penetrating into our states, immigrants still coming in, bringing disease and crime.

Chairman Issa is from California and should be fully aware of the border problem. Here is an excerpt from Politico.
Rep. Darrell Issa is aiming to launch investigations on everything from WikiLeaks to Fannie Mae to corruption in Afghanistan in the first few months of what promises to be a high-profile chairmanship of the top oversight committee in Congress.

Read more:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

England Raises VAT(Value Added Tax) from 17.5% to 20%.

This is to reduce the deficit. Won't work.

Consumers will put off any purchase and go without.
Or, there will be introduced ways to by pass the tax by bartering or "under the table" schemes.

What should be done is-
They should drastically reduce the VAT and then shoppers from all over Britain and Europe will be shopping in London or via the internet; thereby boosting sales and considerable revenue by the increased sales.

Read more from BBC . Read the article and view the charts which show most of Europe are at 20% VAT. Reducing VAT to 15% , the market would be deluged with bargain hunters.

Painful Cuts, California's Governor Jerry Brown Warns

Unions for government workers ruined our once "Golden State".
Governor Brown introduced that in his previous term as governor.

Read more about his past as reported here in the The Australian

Best of luck to you Governor, but bankruptcy is the only way out.

China Has New Technology for Reprocessing Spent Uranium

China reports this breakthrough from state media.
Vital for China, importing their fuel for their expanding industry. Quite an achievement, making energy of a waste product.
 This report from BBC

EPA (Environment Protection Agency) in the USA restricts our use of oil, coal, gas and nuclear development. We have the technology to filter coal burning plants, drilling for oil and gas safely and building nuclear power stations(our navy, has thousands of nuclear powered ships at sea, with no accidents reported).

It appears technology is taking a back seat in USA due to EPA and letting the rest of the world pass us.

This year with Republican Congress, hopefully they can scale down the power of EPA.

After Two Years, Senate Ethics Committee Gives Dodd the "We Find No Credible Evidence".e

The Senate, they take care of their own. This is so sickening to read about this.

In a civil court and jury, the outcome would have been different, would be found guilty. 

Judicial Watch has had this going for two years- read all about it at Big Government
Written by Tom Finton of Judicial Watch.


Monday, January 3, 2011

We Cannot Control the Planet, but We Keep Trying

A good read today refuting many so called calamities that won't amount to anything. Title of the article,"Humans: Get Over Yourself"

This must read is from CanadaFreePress written by Alan Caruba , check him out as well, has written many books.

Using just one example from the report, read the excerpt that follows:

Humans, you need to stop worrying about “controlling” carbon dioxide and stop passing laws to reduce its emissions. CO2 is 3.618% and man-made CO2 is even more miniscule, only 0.117%. Without CO2 we and everything else dies.
As the late Dixie Lee Ray, former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, noted, “Such increases (of CO2) have occurred in the past without any help from us at all, and this time is probably no different. Most likely, the causes were and still are colossal cosmic forces quite outside human ability to control.”
The Earth’s atmosphere is composed primarily of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Water vapor is being constantly recycled from the atmosphere to the Earth and absent the atmosphere no life would exist on Earth.

Homeland Security Napolitano to Support Border Control in Afghanistan

This news report from the Washinton Post- Written by Pamela Constable

What may I ask can she contribute the Afghan border? When our porous border is rife with drug smuggling, and illegals still flowing into California, Texas , New Mexico and Arizona.

Shouldn't she be working on the Homeland first and foremost?

Obama Administration Called One of Most Corrupt Says Republican Congressman Issa

Congressman Issa's focus will be on Obama's appointed Inspector Generals.

Will be targeting waste, not prosecution of White House officials.

Will have subpoena powers.

In summary, a segment of the report next.

Issa said he plans to lead bipartisan investigations on food and drug safety, as well as Medicare fraud.
"We can save $125 billion in simply not giving out money to Medicare recipients that don't exist for procedures that didn't happen," Issa said on CBS's "Face the Nation." "These are real dollars. Ten percent of the deficit goes out in wasted money - money that doesn't get one person health care in Medicare."
On the CNN show, Issa said: "When I look at waste, fraud and abuse in the bureaucracy and in the government, this is like steroids to pump up the muscles of waste."

The news report also states that Democrats are criticizing his partisan approach to investigations. So Issa will probably meet all kinds of "foot dragging" and resistance in his new position. Being partisan is politics.

Mexico Plans Immigration Reform. Mass Murders of Migrants from South America to USA.

This news report from The Washington Post APNewsBreak, written by E. Eduardo Castillo.

Mexico can't stop criticizing United States about its immigration policies, but in Mexico there are reports of mass murder, kidnapping and abuse of migrants by police.

One may ask how is the tourist business is dealing with an out of control state. It is even unsafe even for poor migrants seeking illegal immigration to the United States.

You have to assume that the drug cartels are in control of Mexico.

What is more alarming, is that Mexico has a law to protect immigrants. 

Read more from the news report for it's very detailed  history of these incidents regarding immigrants to Mexico.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

From Kahlil Gibran

By Kahlil Gibran

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing
for itself.

They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to

You many give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which
  you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to
  make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living
  arrows are sent forth.

The archer see the mark upon the path of the infinite,
  and he bends you with His might that His arrows
  may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves
  also the bow that is stable. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Car Bomb Kills Seven in Alexandria, Egypt at a Coptic Church

Angry Christians retaliate.

Secretary of State Clinton should demand security for Christians, demand action to seek and punish the terrorists.

We send aid (billions) to Egypt and get no respect - we are a Christian founded nation -we should withhold all aid immediately until we are satisfied that the Egypt nation is our friend and will work to protect Christians.

More on this from the BBC

Outgoing NY Gov. Paterson Makes Deal On Illegal Aliens

Law enforcement to deport only those with felony records, others who still violated federal law can stay.

I presume the way things are going these days, your Governor, Mayor can pick and choose what laws to enforce.

All this to please Obama. The payoff for the former governor, is that there will be a opening in Obama's cabinet pretty soon- you can bet on it. Who is going to fill the job? You guessed it, Paterson, former NY black governor will fit right in.

This news from WGY NEWS - read more from the short news report. 

California's Near Bankrupt Cites Come Up With "Crash Tax".

Your Government, working hard to get your money.

Highly paid police, firemen, that's their job, now they want to tag on some more!

How about the thousands illegals driving around with no license, insurance; who covers that?

How to cut taxes, stay home and don't drive - ha.

Cut cost of government, instead of finding ways to dip into our pockets again, and again, it's never ending.

Do a 10% cut on all salaries, benefits, pension and vacation time or go bankrupt.

This report from Los Angeles Times - written by Marc Lifsher