Republican Rep.Issa has hit the road running pointing out that businesses will be holding back on ventures until they are assured there is a chance to make money on investment.
Some in congress are not in total agreement with these regulations coming from EPA, and not from congress- see excerpt following.
Green groups applauded the decision but many in Congress, including West Virginia’s Democratic senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin, are not happy. However the real heat may come from the House. In a statement e-mailed to reporters, Issa said:
At a time when permanent, full-time job creation is our nation’s top priority, you really have to question the wisdom of institutionalizing a process that puts the job creators in the untenable position of knowing that the EPA, at any time, can interject and prevent operations from moving forward after all the appropriate permits have been obtained. This is the type of action that is cultivating a climate of uncertainty that will ultimately result in more businesses going under and Americans being unemployed longer.\What's more important, jobs or a shut down of a mine for the environment?
Rep Issa plans to have them (EPA) explain their reasons in hearings. Look forward to watching this.
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