It is going to be interesting who votes against this bill.
This news brought to us by BIG GOVERNMENT
Next in a segment of the news report, you can read the reason for this bill.
A big step in reining in the unions. Keep a watchful eye on the voting.Why the Secret Ballot Protection Act?For the last five years, unions have spent hundreds of millions of dollars, taken from their members’ dues, to pass a bill that effectively eliminates employees’ right to a secret-ballot election on the question of unionization. Through the delusionally-dubbed Employee Free Choice Act’s ’card check’ provision, unions have sought to mandate that employees would automatically become unionized once a union secured 50% + 1 of employees’ signatures on authorization cards (or other form). However, after the EmployeeFreeANTI Choice Act passed the House in 2007 (it was later stalled in the Senate), more people began to take notice of the union threat to their right to choose (or not choose) unionization in the workplace.
You might want to check out the add by Rand Paul for the National Right To Work Law showing on this link.
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