Friday, April 15, 2011

Jobless Rate for Youth- 25% and Growing.

Do away with the minimum wage and our kids will be able to  get an entry level job.

Unions brought on the minimum wage, to protect their wages. Nowadays union wages are far and above any minimum wage. 

Minimum wage is about $7 an hour, union wages might be around $12 to $20 for auto assembly worker, who has no skills.

Read more on the link CNBC. By John Melloy.

Places like MacDonalds would be happy to help some teenage students to come in and help with clean up and work the counter and whatever chores needed, for entry level part time for $4 an hour. Many youths would jump at the chance.

Unions can scream and holler, but that's better than hanging out in malls and getting into trouble.

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