Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Palin's Critics Need American History Lesson, Lambast Her For 1773 Tea Party

From the Washington Examiner a report that all her critics jumped at a supposed error, year 1773, when she was right and displaying need for an American history lesson. More from the article shown below.

Immediately, Palin’s critics leapt into action. Here’s The Daily Kos himself on Twitter:
Sarah Palin to supporters: “Don’t party like it’s 1773 yet”. She’s so smart.
And here’s PBS’s Gwen Ifill, moderator of presidential debates, also on Twitter:
Sarah Palin: party like its 1773!  ummm,
Blogger Cuffy Meigs rounds up all kinds of similar “HAHAHAHAHA! She’s so stupid!” reactions to Palin’s reference to 1773. So what did happen in 1773? Oh, right.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:
 All these critics making a fool of themselves in their lack of political history, but also, a almost childish lurking, hoping that the had a "gotcha moment" on Palin.

Gwen Ifill, moderator of debates and affirmative action choice, should know better.

Seems like it could be that Sarah Palin set a trap and they went for the bait.

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