Saturday, September 10, 2011

Muslim's Sharia Law Advocates Are Stating They Do Not Observe Its Barbarian Code.

Everybody knows that Sharia's are out to murder all us infidels.
None of them speak out when some of the 8th century murders of their own children, honor killings of daughters etc, etc. Their law says they can lie to infidels.
Read an excerpt from the news report to convince you perhaps to read it all. 
Sharia advocates desperately want to convince legislators and the public that Islamic law is plain vanilla — and totally nonthreatening to existing U.S. legal codes. Notwithstanding a nationwide Muslim Brotherhood-backed pro-sharia push, nothing could be further from the truth.
“There are many unpleasant doctrines within Islam,” including its “repugnant” criminal code, honor killings, female genital cutting, and a Quranic verse Muslim clerics often cite, proclaiming “wives as a tilth unto you” (2:223), to deny the existence of marital rape. [1]
So allowed sharia professor Sadiq Reza at an Aug. 25-26 New York Law School (NYLS) conference. Any attempt to enforce its criminal code, he added, “would violate Constitutional law.” He insisted, though, that western Muslims don’t “favor” these aspects of Islam and none seek to impose them. Evidence that they do abounds (here, here, here, here, here) but Reza said his broad web search found none
Some of us do not remember that FDR had to round up the Japanese during WWII to keep us safe. Kept them in internment camps for the duration of the war. Just a thought.
Read more from Bigpeace posted by Alyssa A. Lappen.

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